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RF message transmission

RF message Tx & Rx with LCD.

 1. Project summary: 

 A RF module is radio frequency transmission device which is capable of sending data in range of up   to 20 meter.

In this tutorial we are making a project which would transmit a message which is written in the serial monitor of Arduino serial monitor would be transfer through RF transmitter and then entered message can be seen on the LCD of receiver side of RF receiver. 

1: RF message transmitter and receiver.

 2. Component required: 
 In this project we are sending a text message on remote LCD screen with help of RF module thus  we would need below described components.
 Components: -
        ·         Two Arduino board.
        ·         Arduino software (IDE).
        ·         One RF module.
        ·         LCD 16x2.
        ·         Male to female Jumper wire.
        ·         Bread board.

2: components required.

3. Connection:  

To make this project first we need to gather all the component described above and make connect as shown below.

Connection on transmitter side: - on the transmitter side there would be an Arduino with RF module transmitter. By which message would be transmitted.
Connection table: -
S no.
 RF transmitter
Arduino board pin
VCC pin
Ground pin
Data pin
D12 Pin

Connection on receiver side: - on the receiver side we would have a RF receiver module connected with the Arduino board and on LCD will be there for showing up the message on the LCD.

Connection table: -
S no.
Arduino Pins
RF VCC pin
Ground Pin.
Data D4 to D7 pin
Digital pin D5 to D2

Figure 3: RF message TX_RX project connections.

Note: - Don’t forget to connect the variable resister between pin 1 and 3 of LCD for controlling the                brightness. If you are not using LCD Shield

 4. Follow the following below steps to make project:  

Step_1: Gather the entire component and make connection as it is shown above. Than open up Arduino software and copy the code from below.  file RF message TX RX with LCD TRANSMITTER and RF message TX RX with LCD Receiver.

  Figure 4 Step_1 open up Arduino files

  check a correct Arduino board and port in tool menu.

5: Step_2 check right board and port.

Step_3:  - after all doing above thin now burn the code to respective Arduino board and detach the receiver part from laptop and place it anywhere in the room with power supply.

6: burning up the code

4. Result:

Now if you have done everything correctly than you can see correct result which are shown below and you project would work correctly.

In our project we have two Arduino board in which one would be connected to your laptop and we would be place anywhere in range of 0 to 20 meter. And then you can start giving the message or data in serial monitor of Arduino software.

Transmitter side: -
This part of our project would be get connect with our laptop because it would have serial data from Serial monitor of Arduino Software, as shown below.

 Figure 7: Serial input message from transmitter.

Receiver side:  -
This part is receiver part which can be place anywhere in range of 0 to20 meter and all the message data send from Serial monitor of Arduino from transmitter would be received here on LCD display.

 Figure 8: result message on LCD.
We would receive whatever message sent from Serial transmitter on the LCD as we have send           “ Hellow there MR ”  from serial of Arduino and  receiving the same message on LD.

5. Project Specification:  
This project is wireless message transmitting module which can be used to send message in half duplex way and can used in many different projects also.
Project of RF message transmitter:  -
·         An office alarm for peon can be made with this project.
·         A broad casting message system can be made.
·         A notification board can be made with this. Where motivational and quote can be share            every day in at any place.
Many different things can  be done with this simple project and you can be more creative and further  extent this project.

6. Arduino codes for project: - down load code from below link

Note: - don’t forget to add Virtual-Wire library in you Arduino software to make it work.

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