RF Chatting device with Arduino

 RF chatting device with Arduino board.

1. RF modules: - RF module is a pair of transmitter circuit and a receiver circuit with can be           used to do short range communication around 20 to 50 meter. 

 Modules specifications: - 

   1.1  Transmitter:

  • Working voltage: 3V - 12V of  max. power use 12V.
  • Working current: max  Less than 40mA max , and min 9mA.
  • Resonance mode: (SAW).
  • Modulation mode: ASK.
  • Working frequency: Eve 315MHz  Or  433MHz .
  • Transmission power: 25mW (315MHz at 12V).
  • Frequency error: +150kHz (max).
  • Velocity :  less than 10Kbps.                                                                                                  
  • So this module will transmit up to 90m in open area .

   1.2  Receiver:

  • Working voltage: 5.0VDC +0.5V.
  • Working current:≤5.5mA max.
  • Working method: OOK/ASK.
  • Working frequency: 315MHz-433.92MHz.
  • Bandwidth: 2MHz
  • Sensitivity: excel –100dBm (50Ω).
  • Transmitting velocity: <9.6Kbps (at 315MHz and -95dBm).
     The use of an optional antenna will increase the effectiveness of your wireless communication.

      2.  Component need in this project is: - 

               This is really a simple project with can be made really easy way. Below is the description of                project   components.

         1)  2 Arduino Board "I used Uno" .

         2)  RF 315 MHz or 433 MHz transmitter-receiver module.

         3)  Jumper wire.

         4)  Bread Board.

         5)  External Power supply (9V Battery *2) "Optional".

3. Arduino interface with RF module: interfacing of arduino and RF module can be really easy and can be completed in few steps.

        3.1 For Transmitter: -
          1. VCC  >>>> 5V.
          2. ATAD >>> D4 "You can change it as you like from Software" .
          3. GND  >>>  GND

       3.2 Receiver: -
         1. VCC  >>>>  5V.

         2. Data >>> A0.
         3. GND>>>GND.

    Note: normally frequency used is 433 Mhz for communication link b/w transmitter and receiver                     side wireless. And don’t forget to add it’s library.


    Library for RF chatting project is here VirtualWire.h library
    And the last and important thing which does this magic is our Arduino Code.

4. Arduino board code for Transmitter & Receiver code: - Arduino board code for RF chatting device with RF433 MHz

 Now open serial monitor of both Arduino IDE and type anything and hit enter to send it to other  device.
